Sports Court Contractors in Ashfield

Sports Court Contractors in Ashfield

As specialist sports court contractors we carry out a range of projects at many schools and clubs to install sports facilities.

Sport Surfacing Specialists in Ashfield

Sport Surfacing Specialists in Ashfield

Our team can help you to design the perfect sports court which can be used for a range of activities with bespoke designs.

MUGA Court Contractors in Ashfield

MUGA Court Contractors in Ashfield

A range of specifications and surface types are available for the sports facilities we build, each of these have different characteristics for individual sports.

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Sports Court Contractors in Ashfield

Are you in the market for sports court contractors who can customise surfacing services to meet your specific demands? Our team of skilled contractors are ready to help you come up with the best sports court without breaking the bank! 

Welcome to Sports Court Contractors, an established company leading the sports court industry. 

Our sports court contractors in Ashfield SA19 9 have found that multi-purpose facilities are becoming increasingly popular as schools and clubs try to save space and money using the same surface to play multisports.

This means that each one of these multi-use games areas needs a long-lasting and versatile surface to withstand use with many different activities. We are professional contractors who specialise in the installation of surfaces for many dual-purpose recreational areas.

The sport surfacing specifications we install typically include macadam, artificial grass, polymeric rubber, synthetic clay and needle punch fibre bonded turf.

Each of these surface types has its own individual properties, which make them better suited to different sports, so it’s important to choose the right one for the activities you want to play.


While there are bound to be some parallels, your court or outdoor sports area is unique, and we treat every project as such to ensure you get the court you want, not the court we can build.

To discuss sports court installation costs - - please feel free to send us your details through our contact form.

As sporting contractors with a great deal of knowledge and experience in this industry, we can help advise you on the best surface type and extra equipment to make sure you get the right facility for your requirements and stick within your budget.

A member of our expert team will be on hand to advise you and give you a price estimate for the work. All of the artificial sport surfacing specifications you can choose from are suitable for all-weather use as their porosity means rainwater drains away quickly and does not build upon the facility.

Additional extras like specialist outdoor lighting and secure rebound fencing can also be included, along with the surfacing installation.

What is a Sport Court Contractor?

A sport court contractor is an individual or a company that carries out a contract when building a sports court - this may consist of the inclusion of materials and labour.

Sport court contractors must undertake the work agreed on when completing the contract using the correct materials mentioned prior to the installation. A professional contractor will speak to the client regarding their requirements before building the area to ensure they are happy with the finished result.

If you wish to speak to our expert contractors in detail regarding the work we carry out, please fill out our enquiry form. A member of our team would be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have and can set you up with the right contractor for your project. 

Sports Court Facility Specialists Near Me

Our services also include cleaning and maintaining a variety of sports surfaces to help prevent damage through overuse or repair any existing damage and bring back the original performance and safety qualities.

We are sports court facility specialists, and we would be happy to offer you any advice on maintaining a synthetic pitch and keeping it safe for use by everyone. Reapplication of anti-slip coloured coatings and line markings is also included as part of our professional cleaning and maintenance services for MUGA courts.

To find out more about the painting services we provide, please click here

The sports surface painting in Ashfield SA19 9 can be designed with a number of colour options so your pitch will be completely unique and fitting to your organisation.

You can contact us to discuss details of any facility installation projects you’re looking at carrying out. In addition, we’ll be able to offer you advice on pricing and specifications for work being carried out.


We always aim to give each client a great value service to help them stick to their budget whilst still providing the best quality products and safe sports facilities.

Fill in our quick enquiry form today, and we'll get back to you with more information about the costs for work you need us to complete.

Sports Facility Builders in Ashfield

We have a number of sports facility builders across the country who can install the perfect sporting facilities in your area and surrounding areas for you.

Our consultants are able to talk you through the different surfacing types that we have available to install and the benefits of each one. You can find out more about the construction here

All our builders have had years of experience in the surface construction industry and will only complete the constructions to a high standard. We make use of premium materials and specialist equipment, making sure you receive the best quality installation. 

How to Build a Sports Court Near Me

If you're looking how to build a sporting facility, you might want to think about these steps which our contractors follow during the construction stages:

  1. Excavate the existing surfacing
  2. Install a geotextile membrane
  3. Stone up to the required depth
  4. Lay down a macadam sub base 
  5. Install surface type of your choice (this will be missed out if you require a macadam area)
  6. Apply colour coating to macadam or polymeric courts
  7. Line mark the facility for the activities you wish to play
  8. Add any extra features, including fencing and floodlighting

Can you put sports courts on grass?

While it is possible to put sports courts on grass surfaces, putting basketball court tiles over grass or dirt is not recommended. Neither grass nor soil will provide a flat enough surface for the sport tiles. Furthermore, grass and dirt are prone to erosion, resulting in an uneven playing surface.

How do you clean under a sports court?

You can clean underneath sports courts by adding 1 gallon of tap water with 8 ounces of scuff mark cleanser. Then, lightly spray the cleaner on the black and white scuff marks and let it sit for around 2-3 minutes.

Afterwards, scuff the floor using a scuff pad to remove the marks. Finish off by rinsing the entire floor with clean water using an auto-scrubber or a mop.

Do you need to maintain, repair, or renovate your hard court?

Every 4-5 years, it's suggested that all hard courts should be resurfaced. This is a critical step in preventing irreversible damage and filling or repairing cracks.

Other Services We Offer


Our expert sport facility builders are able to complete the whole construction process from start to finish. If you'd like to speak to us regarding the different surface types that our sports court contractors in Ashfield SA19 9 can install, please fill in the enquiry form on this page.

Covering SA19 9



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